The alcohol industry has led us to believe it is safe for women to consume 1 drink per day and for men up to 2 drinks per day. Is this true? Is this safe? Watch the video right now and find out the truth. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Dr. Tanya Maximoff
Morristown Chiropractic – New Hope for Alzheimer’s
We now know there are three types of Alzheimer’s. The best part is we also know there is one treatment that can address all three. Watch the video right now and find out the different types of Alzheimer’s and the simple approach to changing the outcome no matter which type you or someone you know gets. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Morristown Chiropractic – Avocados Help Reduce Risk for Obesity and Diabetes
In today’s news we look at how you can reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes by simply eating avocados. It sounds too simple but if you watch this video you will learn what makes avocados so amazing. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Morristown Chiropractic – Exercise Stroke Prevention & Prognosis
With two-thirds of Americans having at least one of the leading risk factors for stroke, and 1 out of every 20 deaths being caused by stroke, it is critical you know how best to prevent stroke and if you ever have one how to improve the prognosis. Watch this video now and find out your best stroke strategies. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Morristown Chiropractic – Benefits of Time-Restricted Eating
Various patterns of intermittent fasting (such as alternate-day modified fasting) have become popular since many people find these diets easier to follow than traditional calorie restriction diets. Does intermittent fasting really have any health benefits or does it promote weight-loss? Watch this video now and find out. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Morristown Chiropractic – Lack of Sleep Linked to Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis affects over 10% of North American adults over 50. Unfortunately, most people think osteoporosis is only a deficiency of calcium. Wrong! Osteoporosis is a complicated problem and the allopathic approach may be worse than the disease. Watch this video now and learn the importance of sleep in preventing osteoporosis and other things to pay attention too. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Morristown Chiropractic – How Chiropractic Can Improve Your Memory
Chiropractic has become a subject of discussion among researchers studying memory. Watch this video now and learn how chiropractic actually helps the brain, plus other things you can do to increase your memory. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Morristown Chiropractic – Is inflammation living in your body?
Chronic inflammation is an indicator of all disease, including cancer, obesity and heart disease. Everyone has some inflammation. Your goal is to reduce that inflammation as much as possible. Watch this video now and learn which foods are considered the best anti-inflammatories. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Morristown Chiropractic – Fiber is a Superfood
Fiber in plants increases the growth of healthful bacteria, which promotes great health benefits. The problem is very few of us get enough of it. Watch this video now and learn all the benefits of fiber, where it comes from and what other lifestyle changes you can make to increase the good bacteria further. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.
Morristown Chiropractic – 6 Things To Lower Heart Disease Risk
Two recent studies revealed how exercise helps to prevent heart attacks by stopping plaque that builds up from breaking off and causing a blockage. With 40% of all deaths caused by heart attacks you need to watch this video to find out the 6 things you can start doing right now to not be part of this statistic. Click the Red More Button in your email or the image below if you are on our website.